I call such experiences meta-moments: tiny moments of reflection that prompt us to think consciously about what we’re experiencing.
Stopping people in their tracks may make them simply turn around or try another road.
Do we have moments that we only share with ourselves?

We give other people acces to our lives, trough work, school, sport, social meetings and even at home! And that's not all, besides real life moments, we give others acces to our lives trough social media like snapchat, instagram etc. When was the last time I kept a moment for myself?

Meta-moments can provide us with space to interpret, understand, and add meaning to our experiences. A little friction in our flow is all we need.
A roadblock must be overcome. A speed bump must be negotiated. A diversion must be navigated. Each of these cases involves our attention in a thoughtful way. Our level of engagement deepens.
Private moments
adding meta-moments
Putting thought into things

Create space for users to put their own thought in. Their personalities and imaginations need that space to live and breathe. We need to encourage meta-moments carefully and then defend them. Because they are where magic happens.
Meta betekenis: betreffende het onderwerp zelf

Metahumor is dus humor over humor, metacognitie is je kennis over jouw kennis.

Wat is de metadata van ingeplande momenten in iemands agenda ?

Hoeveel momenten zijn door anderen gecreeerd? Bewust worden van je eigen metamoments. Ruimte voor eigen metamomenten, is die er wel?